Nénette, an orangutan, is the star of the Parisian zoo where she has lived most of her long life. She is a mother of four and has survived three mates, and she bonds only with a few select keepers. The camera rests throughout on Nénette a...
Née en 1969 dans les forêts de Bornéo, Nénette vient d’avoir 40 ans. Il est très rare qu’un orang-outan atteigne cet âge-là ! Pensionnaire à la ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes - à Paris - depuis 1972, elle y a aujourd’hui pl...
Ненет е родена през 1969 г. в горите на Борнео и току-що е навършила 40 години. При орангутаните рядко се срещат такива дълголетници! От ...