Kawase pays tribute to the grandmother that raised her after being separated from her parents as a child. The film teems with memories, but it is the faded, dusty photographs capturing the kindness in her grandmother’s shy smile that trul...
Naomi Kawase wurde kurz nach ihrer Geburt von den Eltern verlassen. Man gab sie daraufhin in die Obhut ihrer kinderlosen, bereits 65 Jahre alten Großtante. "Erinnerung an meine Großmutter" ist ein einfühlsamer Film der inzwischen bekannt...
가와세는 어린 시절 부모와 헤어진 후 자신을 키워준 할머니에게 경의를 표합니다. 영화는 추억으로 가득 차 있지만, 할머니의 수줍은 미소 속에 담긴 친절함을 포착한 빛바랜 먼지�...