Based on the 1921 novella of the same name by one of China's most well-known modern writers, Lu Xun (Lu Hsun), the True Story of Ah Q is set during the 1911 revolution. Ah Q is a lowly peasant who wants to rise above his class, or at least ...
《阿Q正传》是上海电影制片厂摄制的故事片,由岑范执导,严顺开主演,于1981年上映 。 该片根据鲁迅的同名小说改编,以辛亥革命前后的浙江农村为背景,通过贫苦、落后、...
身形猥瑣、其貌不揚的阿Q(嚴順開 飾)是未莊一個靠打短工度日的小人物。他家徒四壁,窮得連姓都沒有。雖然如此,阿Q卻始終自我感覺良好,或瞧不起裝模作樣的假洋鬼子,...