In 1972, John Wojtowicz attempted to rob a Brooklyn bank to pay for his lover’s sex-change operation. The story was the basis for the film Dog Day Afternoon. The Dog captures John, who shares his story for the first time in his own unique...
Documental sobre John Wojtowicz, el hombre que inspiró la historia que se adaptó al cine en la película "Tarde de perros" (1975). (FILMAFFINITY)
История жизни Джона Войтовича, который пытался достать деньги на операцию по смену пола для своего партнера путем ограбления банк�...
영화 '뜨거운 오후'의 모티브를 제공한 실존인물이자 게이였던 은행강도, 존 워토위츠에 관한 다큐멘터리