Australian Diana Spencer wins a competition in a women's magazine, and as a prize gets a trip for two to London, where she wants to meet her idol and namesake, Princess Diana. She goes there with her fiance, Mark, but during the garden part...
一个名叫Diana Spencer的澳大利亚女孩赢得了一本女性杂志上的竞赛,获得了伦敦双人游的机会,希望见到她同名的偶像——戴安娜王妃。阴差阳错遇到的狗仔队记者Rob答应帮她寻找见�...
La australiana Diana Spencer gana un concurso en una revista femenina, y como premio obtiene un viaje para dos a Londres, donde quiere conocer a su ídolo y tocaya, la princesa Diana. Ella va allí con su prometido, Mark, pero durante la fi...