This film, inspired by Naguib Mahfouz' The thief and the dogs, tells the story of Mahran, a thief who quickly ascends to be the head of his gang. However, his second in command conspires against Mahran to take his position and his wife. Aft...
Dopo quattro anni passati in carcere, Said Mahran, giovane capo di una banda criminale, viene rilasciato. Una volta fuori, Mahran decide di vendicarsi contro coloro che lo hanno tradito: la sua amata moglie e il suo fidato scagnozzo che dop...
سعيد مهران لص عتيد اﻹجرام، يتخذ من رؤوف علوان قدوته في الحياة، خاصة بعدما نصحه أن الانسان لابد أن يحصل علي مايريد بأي وسيلة يراها، و...