1944, in the depths of World War II. Toyomatsu Shimizu is a completely typical barber from a remote sea-side town who lives frugally but happily with his wife Fusae and their five-year-old son. Eventually, though, the army beckons and he is...
清水丰松(中居正广 饰)本和妻子房江(仲间由纪惠 饰)、儿子建一(加藤翼 饰)一同过着平淡但快乐生活。战争开始了,丰松被征入伍,战场上的你死我活为丰松的心灵蒙上了深...
《我想成為貝殼》(日語:私は貝になりたい,英語:I Want to Be a Shellfish)是日本電影編劇、作家橋本忍根據日軍原陸軍中尉加藤哲太郎的自傳《從瘋狂戰犯到死刑囚犯》(狂える戦...