Having defeated Logos and the Earth Alliance, the triumphant Chairman Durandal now reveals his ultimate plan for humanity. The world reacts with confusion and horror to the details of the Destiny Plan, but Durandal has come too far to let a...
C.E.(Cosmic Era)70년, ‘피의 발렌타인’의 비극으로부터 시작된 무력충돌은 막대한 희생을 낳았고, 제 2차 야킨 두에 공방전을 끝으로 마침내 자프트와 지구연합 간의 정전 조약이 체결...
Nadat hij Logos en de Earth Alliance heeft verslagen, onthult de triomfantelijke voorzitter Durandal nu zijn ultieme plan voor de mensheid. De wereld reageert met verwarring en afgrijzen op de details van het Destiny Plan, maar Durandal is ...