John and Amanda teach Latin, English and guitar at a fantastical stately home-turned-school. Nearly 50-year careers are drawing to a close for the pair who have become legends with the mantra: “Reading! ’Rithmetic! Rock ’n’ roll!”...
"Хедфорт" доста прилича на "Хогуортс" със сградите от XVIII в., тайните врати и омагьосващите гори. Вече 46 години това е домът и работнот...
En Irlande, l’internat de Headfort semble tout droit sorti des livres d’Harry Potter. Excentriques et passionnés, John et Amanda Leyden y forment depuis plus de 40 ans un duo d’enseignants à l’humour so british. Leur mot d’ordre...
John a Amanda vyučují latinu, angličtinu a kytaru ve fantastickém honosném domě, který se stal školou. Téměř padesátiletá kariéra dvojice, která se stala legendou s mantrou: "Čtení! Čtení! Rock'n'roll!" Pro žáky i učit...