Based on the life of the Korean anarchist Park Yeol, the film shows his struggle to counter the massacre of Koreans by the government during the 1923 great Kanto earthquake, focusing on his activities as the leader of the anti-Japanese orga...
1923년, 관동대지진 이후 퍼진 괴소문으로 6천여 명의 무고한 조선인이 학살된다. 사건을 은폐하기 위해, 관심을 돌릴 화젯거리가 필요했던 일본내각은 불령사를 조직해 항일운동을 �...
Park Yeol est un partisan de l'indépendance de la Corée vis-à-vis du Japon. Il organise également le groupe anarchiste "Heukdohwe" et prévoit de tuer le prince héritier Hirohito.
El anarquista Park Yeol llegó a Tokio como estudiante, en la década de los años 20 y pronto se convirtió en activista político. Creó varios grupos con otros antiimperialistas coreanos, participando en la traducción de textos polític...
เป็นเรื่องจริงของชายหนุ่มผู้รักชาติอย่างพัคยอล ซึ่งเป็นผู้ก่อตั้งองค์กรอนาธิปไตย �...