In 1984, Midnight Oil released their iconic record Red Sails in the Sunset. They embarked on a relentless tour around the nation performing raw and electrifying music that reignited the imagination of young Australians. That same year, thei...
In 1984 bracht Midnight Oil hun iconische plaat Red Sails in the Sunset uit. Ze begonnen aan een meedogenloze tour door het land met rauwe en opwindende muziek die de verbeelding van jonge Australiërs weer aanwakkerde. Datzelfde jaar beloo...
Em 1984, o Midnight Oil lançou seu icônico disco Red Sails in the Sunset. Eles embarcaram em uma turnê implacável pelo país tocando música crua e eletrizante que reacendeu a imaginação dos jovens australianos. No mesmo ano, seu voca...