On a winter's day, a woman stretches near a window then sits in a bathtub of water. She's happy. Her lover is nearby; there are close ups of her face, her pregnant belly, and his hands caressing her. She gives birth: we see the crowning of ...
他在《水窗中的颤动婴儿》(Window Water Baby Moving,1959)中,以倒叙和一连串的主题元素画面,描绘珍•布莱凯吉(Jane Brakhage)怀孕和生产的情景。
Mergulhando em planos íntimos, Brakhage documenta o nascimento de sua primeira filha. Cadenciadas poeticamente, as imagens da mãe, sua face, corpo, barriga, mãos, e do afeto entre os pais compõem o retrato fragmentado e emocionante do m...
Експериментальний фільм Стена Брекіджа, в якому він фіксує на плівку народження своєї першої дитини.