Bilal Irving, a professional basketball player returns to his small, Northern Ontario town of Dumont. He re-connects with his former coach, and conflict ensues as they both struggle to put their egos and complicated pasts aside to mentor th...
Bilal Irving, een professionele basketbalspeler, keert terug naar zijn kleine stadje Dumont in Noord-Ontario. Hij maakt opnieuw contact met zijn voormalige coach en er ontstaat een conflict terwijl ze allebei worstelen om hun ego en ingewik...
Pour tenter de sauver sa carrière, un joueur de basketball professionnel suspendu retourne dans sa ville natale pour coacher son ancienne équipe de basketball du secondaire qui bat de l'aile.
Profesyonel bir basketbol oyuncusu olan Bilal Irving, Kuzey Ontario'daki küçük kasabası Dumont'a geri döner. Eski koçuyla yeniden bağlantı kurar ve ikisi de kasabanın tek basketbol takımına akıl hocalığı yapmak için egoları...