Achilles, a normal man infected with a disease that will bring down the Erebus rulers (human/machine hybrids) escapes back in time from 2410 to the present day where he has a chance to stop the Erebus from ever rising to power. However he i...
2410년에서 현재의 지구로 돌아온 시간여행자 아킬레스는 인류를 파멸시키려 하는 바이오 머신 에레보스 7을 상대로 지구를 지키고자 한다. 아킬레스와 가장 먼저 만난 지구인 바이�...
อคิลลิส ชายธรรมดาคนหนึ่งที่ติดเชื้อโรคที่โค่นล้มผู้ปกครองเอเรบัส (ลูกผสมระหว่างมนุ...