Momoko's teacher asks the third grade to draw a picture based on their favorite song, to enter in a contest. She picks a song she's recently become fond of during music class, and is anxious to make a good drawing based on it. On her way to...
학교에서 '멘코이 망아지'라는 노래를 배운 마루코는 그것을 미술시간에 그림의 주제로 삼았지만 어떻게 그려야 할지 몰랐다. 어느 날 시즈오카의 할머니 집 근처에서 초상화 그리�...
Momoko's leraar vraagt de derde klas om een tekening te maken op basis van hun favoriete liedje, om mee te doen aan een wedstrijd. Ze kiest een liedje waar ze onlangs dol op is geworden tijdens de muziekles, en wil er graag een ...