명량해전에 대한 도발적인 질문의 해답을 찾기 위해 김한민 감독과 명량의 주역들이 국내 최초 다큐 영화에 도전한다. 명량해전이 있기 직전 16일간 이순신 장군의 실제 행적을 쫓아...
The staff of "The Admiral: Roaring Currents", the biggest film of all time at the South-Korean box office, has assembled once again for a documentary. Critically acclaimed director KIM Han-min and his team delves into the actual background,...
De staf van 'The Admiral: Roaring Currents', de grootste film aller tijden aan de Zuid-Koreaanse kassa, is opnieuw bijeengekomen voor een documentaire. De veelgeprezen regisseur KIM Han-min en zijn team duiken in de feitelijke achtergrond, ...