AIDA, an Ethiopian princess, is captured and brought into slavery in Egypt. A military commander, Radamès, struggles to choose between his love for her and his loyalty to the Pharaoh. To complicate the story further, Radamès is loved by t...
L’histoire se déroule en Égypte antique, à Memphis et à Thèbes. Une esclave éthiopienne, Aïda, vit à la cour du Pharaon Ramsès III, servant sa fille Amnéris. Toutes les deux sont amoureuses du général égyptien Rhadamès, épr...
Aida, una principessa etiope, viene catturata e portata in schiavitù in Egitto. Un comandante militare, Radamès, fa fatica a scegliere tra il suo amore per lei e la sua lealtà al Faraone. A complicare ulteriormente la storia, Radamès è...