수학여행 전날, 샘은 그녀의 가장 친한 친구 하은이 죽는 불길한 꿈을 꾼다. 두려움에 휩싸인 샘은 최근 자전거 사고로 병원에 입원한 하은에게 달려가 함께 수학여행을 가자고 한다...
On the afternoon of the day before her school trip, Se-mi wakes up from her strange dream and heads to her Ha-eun. It was because she felt like she had to convey the feelings she had been holding back for a long time today. However, unlike ...
學校旅行前,Sam 在惡夢中看到知己 Ha-eun 離世了。Sam 很害怕,跑到因單車失事而住院的 Ha-eun 身邊,硬要她相陪參加學校旅行,並決定賣掉 Ha-eun 的攝像�...
April 2014: Kurz vor ihrem Schulausflug erleidet Ha-eun durch einen Mopedunfall einen Beinbruch. Ihre beste Freundin Sam versucht jedoch, sie dazu zu überreden, trotzdem mit auf den Schulausflug nach Jeju zu kommen. Sam hat geträumt, das...